Junior Frontend Developer

About me section

About Me

Currently I work in Schneider Electric's Budapest Office as Advanced Calculation Tool Architecture Specialist. I decided to switch my career direction since I was interested in creating rather than using various platforms. I don't know if Frontend Development will be my final destination, but I am sure I will give it all to go as far as possible.

Education section


2021-Present Rolling Scopes School

Frontend/JavaScript Developer Course

2015-2017 Central European University

MA in Economic Policy in Global Markets

2010-2014 American University in Central Asia

BA in Economics

Skills Section


  • JavaScriptJavaScript
  • GithubGit & Github
Code Section

Code Examples

function rentalCarCost(d) {
    let price = 40;
    let total = d * price;
    let discount = 0;
    if (d>=7) {discount=50} else if (d>=3) {discount=20} else discount=0;
    let totalDiscount = total - discount;
    return totalDiscount;
Projects section


Open CV project Curriculum Vitae

Work Experience

2020-Present Schneider Electric Energy & Sustainability Services

ACT Architecture and Configuration Specialist

2019-2020 Schneider Electric Energy & Sustainability Services

Senior Energy Forecast Analyst

2017-2019 Schneider Electric Energy & Sustainability Services

Energy Forecast Analyst

Languages section

Language Skills

Russian Native
English Fluent
German Beginner
Turkish Intermediate